Friday, 20 May 2016

Thesis Film Layouts

Here are the layouts for my thesis film with the colour palettes, all done in Photoshop CS6 using Kyle's Real Watercolour Brushes!  As the film progresses, the colour mood changes based on the emotions of the protagonist.  The starting scene is in the subway, I was using a muted palette with red as the accent colour.
This scene is a midday location in a rice paddy, I referenced images of Thailand, China and a few from Scotland for the lush green.  The palette is warmer to suggest the sunset without showing the sun, the long shadows in blue were to further emphasize that.

This is the most magical scene, when the subway rockets off into space.  The colour palette had subtle changes to the hues but they were mostly in the same tonal range because I found night time had less contrasting colours.  I also wanted the moon as bright as possible for the subway to be silhouetted against.   
This is an overlay on top of a video background that I composited in aftereffects, I'll be posting the composited version in a separate post.  Here is the link:  Master Space in Aftereffects

This is the original PNG layout before I composited all 17 layers in AfterEffects!  I reused this layout in every scene of the film that had space in the background such as through the windows of the subway.  The pack of watercolour brushes I bought also came with a "SALT" brush which worked really well as stars! 

This is a master layout of the subway from the outside.  I took references photos from New York trains and went downtown to take some photographs of the TTC.   
This scene is supposed to feel isolating and also very sterile.  The passengers are sketches of people I've drawn on my own commuting trip, here is the link to the originals:   
Breaking the rule of third with a lot of symmetrical layouts!  The reasoning for this was because this is when the two characters finally meet up face to face.  The layouts would show how they were two pieces of a whole.  The colour scheme is a more colourful version of the first subway scene but still retaining the subway's moody atmosphere.
For the last layout I really wanted to push the colours and have as many hues without being too conflicting.  I also tried to draw hues from every layout as a summary palette.  Did you notice that the subway station was "Union"?  That was from a suggestion from my mentor and mentor group member to show the two character meeting up!  Hope you enjoyed these! :)